2008 Sodex

We Participated in Sodex 2008 Fair 

Ser-Gün participates in the fairs within the scope of its sector in order to break into new markets and follow the technological developments both as participant and guest. Ser-Gün was present in the Solar Energy Fair in 2008 and Sodex 2008 Fair as participant. Ser-Gün, meeting thousands of guests at its stalls in both fairs, provided detailed information concerning its commercial connections and the benefits of solar energy. Ser-Gün gained great attention from the press due to its innovative and leading-attitude. In both two of the fairs Ser-Gün participated in this year, the attention of the press to our stalls was great. Our General Director Mr Tamer Uğurluel answered the questions of the members of the press concerning the benefits of solar energy and the company. Previous minister of Environment and Forestry, Mr Osman Pepe was among our guests.